Friday, March 19, 2010

Chris started his new Job

Chris started his new job this week, he is the assistant manager at Moxie's! ~ a restaurant in Red Deer. He is not thrilled about it, just for the fact the we really liked being home together everyday as a family. It was really hard for Chris to leave his first day, all he wanted to do was stay with Preston and me and hang out.
Lets hope that one day when we win the lottery he can stay home....I am feeling lucky for tonight's draw so fingers crossed! hehehe
One good thing about his new job is that we can get a discount for dinner...Yummy!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hearing Aids

Today was hearing aid day...
Preston has a slight hearing defect, that effects his higher tones, that means that when he is face to face with you he can hear almost everything. If we are in a crowd it is really hard for him to pick out any one person, as there is just to much for him to focus on. He can hear the hard sounds like ba, ka, da but has a harder time hearing softer sounds like s, f,n.
We have gotten his hearing aids very early but we want him to be us to them for when he is in Daycare or in School.
The wonderful thing is that he did not tug at them the entire time he had them on. They really did not seem to bother him at all. They are so tiny and weigh almost nothing.

Daddy putting in the hearing aids for the first time...and not struggling from Preston!
The really cool thing with his hearing aids is that they come with some much. We have a special cleaning kit, and emergency drying out kit for when Preston accidentally throws them in the dog dish, a string thing that attaches to both aids and then on to his clothes so we don't lose them when we are out and about, and the coolest thing is for when he gets older...they come with really cool stickers to cover the aids.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Visit to the United States

Even know we went to the States for my Grandpa funeral, we had a wonderful time visiting with family we have not seen in some cases more then 10 years.
This is me and my cousin Christi, having fun at the hotel pool
Preston thought the water was a little bit chilly, but he had a great time splashing his mommy and daddy. He also had a blast with his second cousins, who just loved our little Preston!
This is my Aunt Judy and my Grandma, aren't they so precious! I love them to bits.
Oh the stories I could tell about these boys...
My cousin Bryan, My brother Steve and My cousin Greg
All I will say is that I had every reason to be a "CB' (Cry Baby ~ as they us to call me)
This is me with my Grandma and my cousin's wife Jamie.
Our family photo
Our smaller Canadian family photo
My brother Steve, My Dad Claude, Me, Chris and Preston
I love this picture, this is at Grandpa's funeral and Preston is getting to say good`bye to his Great Grandpa Joe...we love you Grandpa!
(This is for all my cousins)
(Who will know what the poem means)
The big cat jumped and he peed on the wall
The little cat jumped and he couldn't pee at all
Grandpa Joe Angotti
Preston just loved his Great Grandma and I am pretty sure the feeling is mutual!

Monday, March 1, 2010


February was a busy month for all of us...
Preston has learned to sit up by himself. We went for a hearing aid fitting for Preston. Gidgett and Preston went to Strollersize and water work out with our friends Heather and Jacob. Chris had bad news on the job front and is now looking for new employment...yikes!!! Gidgett's Grandpa passed away and traveled to the states for his funeral.
WOW what a month...
But unfortunately March looks just as busy!

We all went to Preston's friend Jacob's, first birthday party...inst he so cute with the party hat?

Preston has found a love for trying to drink from a glass, he makes the funniest noises (really grunting) while he shoves the glass very hard against his face. He does it so hard sometimes he leaves a little red mark just above his nose. If you get close to him and say can Mommy have some he grunts even louder and shoves a little harder! We really need to work on his sharing skills..hehehehe

He finally has started to like has taken a while but he is a pretty good eater after all. He is eating Peas, corn,Beans, Broccoli, Pears, Bananas, apple sauce and much more. He also loves to snack on baby yum yums!

After Preston eats a Farley biscuit, we immediately undress him and stick him in the sink. He gets so yucky eating those things but he loves them so what to you do? He has a great time in the sink and enjoys playing with the water falling from the tap.

This month Preston has decided to sit up and play! We don't even need to be near him any more, because he has figured out how to catch himself when he is falling. He no longer wants to lay down to play, he likes to sit or stand.

Now we are working on crawling...wish us luck!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

It was so nice out today , we took a walk around the neighborhood!
I think it was +5, that is unheard of in January.
It is hard to see Preston in this picture but he loves riding around on Daddies back and he giggled at the dogs most of the way!

Doesn't Preston look cozy...he is snug as a bug!